Career matchmaking platform for IT

IT-Leaders - recruitment platform for Tech industry, basing on reverse model of a job board. As a candidate, you create an anonymous, technical profile, indicate expectations when changing job, and companies submit you tailored-made offers.

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  • + 18,000 IT specialists mainly from Poland and Ukraine

  • We are growing dynamically - every day 15-30 new Candidates are added

  • We manage groups of over 100,000 IT specialists in Social Media

  • 70% of invited people respond to the invitation within 48 hours.

Specialists on the platform

21 233

IT-Leaders brings together specialists from various IT areas. The platform allows them to define their technological skills and expectations when changing jobs, thanks to which you can quickly identify the candidates you are interested in and do not waste time talking with mismatched people.

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Areas of specialization

  • Embedded
  • AI / Machine Learning
  • DevOps
  • ERP
  • IT Security
  • Technical Support / Helpdesk
  • SAP
  • Technical Manager / PM / PO / SM
  • Design
  • VR / AR
  • Data Analysis
  • Mobile solutions
  • Programming / Developing
Our platform

Reversed model of the job portal - a comprehensive recruitment system

IT-Leaders enable companies precisely identify Candidates thanks to integrated Search Engine and matchmaking system. Companies send invitation to Candidates, who can aply just with one click.

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